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Boursaries, Grants and Prizes

A selected number of scientific contributions from either "students" or "young scientists", will receive a financial support to cover partially the conference and travel expenses. The candidates from Developing Countries will have the priority in the selection. Candidates which already asked for a reduced FEE, will not be considered for the selection. The candidates must contact both the email addresses or The IAEA is the main sponsor for NRC8 attendees. A limited number of triple rooms (breakfast included) at a rate of 120 Euro (TAX inclued) per day, was booked in Cernobbio and Como by "Centro Alessandro Volta", with fast connection by BUS to Grand Hotel di Como. Some prizes will be distributed selecting between the papers presented in the Poster Sessions. The prizes will be given during the Closing Cerimony of NRC8. A number of Scientific Books offered by Springer, Odenbourgh-Verlag and other Editors will be delivered to a selected number of young and senior scientists, selected by a Nomination Committee and given during the Closing Cerimony of NRC8. Finally, three papers, selected within the Poster Sessions will be awarded during the Closing Cerimony of the conference. More details will be given later.

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